How to deal with Dead Car Batteries: Tips, Tricks, and Prevention

How to deal with Dead Car Batteries: Tips, Tricks, and Prevention

How to deal with Dead Car Batteries: Tips, Tricks, and Prevention

A dead battery can break your car on a road trip at any time. The reason for a dead battery could be everything, in case related to a basic or major fault. A car battery has a finite senility, and there comes a time when the necessary, happens. The car battery helps power our vehicle and ignites the engine to start.

The reason behind a Dead battery

There are multiple factors that may be involved in a dead battery

  1. Not working or operational: If you don’t use your car for a long time, the battery will discharge itself and become dead.
  2. Old age: Batteries also come with a lifespan, and at the end of their life or after a peculiar period of time, batteries don’t work.
  3. Weather: Cold temperatures reduce the battery's capacity to start the car.
  4. Draining & Overloading: Keeping the car lights on utilizes the battery and exhausts it very quickly.
  5. Damaged Charging System: A faulty voltage regulator may not charge the battery properly and can lead to it becoming dead.
  6. Physical Damage or Corrosion: Any kind of physical damage to the battery can disrupt the flow of electricity.
  7. Bad Cables: Loose and poorly connected cables cannot charge the battery properly and disrupt the flow of electricity.

How to know a car battery is dead

Many new users don’t know how to understand battery behavior or regulate when their battery is going to die. Here are some common signs or patterns that can help users understand it:

  • Engine Cranking: When you start the car and the engine begins to crank slowly, it's a strong indication that your battery is not working properly.
  • Warning Light on Dashboard: Car manufacturers provide the functionality to understand battery health through their car’s indicator panel lights or symbols.
  • Dimming Lights: If your car's interior or exterior lights are not indicator panel well, it may be due to a battery fault.

How to deal with a dead battery

In case you're stuck in a position where your car battery is not supporting, you should know a few points that can help you deal with a dead battery situation:

  • Connect the Jumpers: Seek help from another car’s battery and connect the positive battery terminal (Red) to the other car's positive terminal and the negative (Black) to the negative one. After that, start both cars, and your car should start.
  • Battery Charger: You can also use a battery charger to crucially charge your car for immediate support. Follow the project provided by the battery charger.
  • Seek Professional Assistance: If the above options don't work, seeking professional assistance will be very helpful. You should search for nearby help on Google or car assistance portals like CarVaidya, where you can find nearby trusted and verified mechanics.

How to do Car Battery maintenance

Car batteries are designed to perform for around 3-5 years in a vehicle, and it is advisable to change the car battery regularly within this duration. also, you can follow a few tips to check and maintain the car battery's health:

  • Keep the Battery Terminals Clean: Over time, battery terminals accrue, a white incisive slag. You should keep them clean by removing the clamps and cleaning the residue with a brush using water or baking soda.
  • Park in a Garage: It's always a good practice to park your car in a garage or under a roof to shield it from the utmost weather setting and condition variation.
  • Monitor Battery Water Level: Every battery requires distilled water to provide optimal performance. Regularly check the water level of the battery and keep it adequately maintained.
  • Drive the Car: The most common and fundamental tip is to use your car regularly. Regular usage helps regulate the battery's performance and keeps it healthy.

For urgent issues and problems related to car batteries, CarVaidya has designed its portal to provide verified and trusted car service providers near your area. You can easily Google and search for "Car Mechanic near me, and CarVaidya will appear.

You can book an instant car support package on CarVaidya through online payment, and you will receive assistance ASAP.


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