Verify if Your Car Has This Device: Government Could Mandate Anytime

Verify if Your Car Has This Device: Government Could Mandate Anytime

Verify if Your Car Has This Device: Government Could Mandate Anytime

India is one of the countries with the highest number of road accidents in the world. The percentage of daily accidents is gradually increasing, causing concern. The number of vehicles in the country is also steadily rising, contributing to the rise in accidents. Compared to other countries, India is witnessing an upward trend in road accidents.

However, India's record in terms of fatalities due to road accidents is among the worst. Therefore, deaths resulting from road accidents cannot be overlooked. There are several reasons for road accidents in India, including substance abuse, fatigue, speeding, and crossing roads, which pose significant risks.

Whether on highways or narrow streets, there are individuals who drive very fast. Speeding on roads worldwide is gradually becoming more dangerous. India is facing a similar situation.

In India, speeding is often seen as one of the major contributors to accidents. Therefore, almost all new cars sold in the country now come equipped with standard features like driver fatigue alert and speed alert systems.

Upon installation of this system, if the car exceeds 80 kilometers per hour, it emits a beep to alert the driver. Similarly, under the Indian Motor Vehicles Act, if the car exceeds the maximum speed limit of 120 kilometers per hour, the beep will continue to sound continuously.

This technology has been developed in such a way that when the vehicle exceeds a certain speed, not only does it emit a beep, but it also displays an overspeed warning message on the infotainment screen. This technology is called Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA).

The most important feature of this technology is that it operates based on the road on which the car is traveling. It adjusts itself according to the type of road and its speed limits.

For example, within city limits, the maximum speed limit for cars may be only 50 kilometers per hour. Whereas, on highways, it can reach up to a maximum of 120 kilometers per hour.

Additionally, this tool is equipped with a camera and operates based on the speed limits defined by the government through GPS.

Meaning, with the camera installed on your vehicle and GPS data, it can indicate how fast you are driving. The government has set speed limits for every road. This technology checks whether you are adhering to the speed limit or not.

In other countries, ISA devices also include voice and video alerts that warn you when you exceed the speed limit. Installing ISAs in vehicles is expected to reduce road accidents. However, it is not mandatory in India yet.

Meanwhile, from July, ISA is becoming mandatory in all new cars in Europe. A study by an American insurance company found that 60% of people want ISA in their vehicles. In light of this, India is also now moving towards implementing this measure.

Experts suggest that making ISA devices mandatory could enhance road safety, especially in rural areas where people may not have as much awareness about speed limits compared to urban cities.

The Indian government is continuously working to improve road safety and quality. Therefore, if ISA devices are made mandatory in India soon, it would not be surprising. This could potentially reduce accidents caused by overspeeding.




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